

Release notes:

release 1.4: 2007-07-04

  • Features:
    • 1704144 adding support for global localization files
    • 1704146 adding support for localisation self implementing classes
  • Major bugfixes:
    • 1720175 Jet examples can't be executed under Windows
release 1.3: 2007-05-20
  • Features:
    • 1704181 global exception support
  • Major bugfixes:
    • 1720175 Jet examples can't be executed under Windows

final release 1 bugfix 2: 2007-05-06

  • Features:
    • 1708737 JSES support
  • Major bugfixes:

final release 1 bugfix 1: 2007-05-01

  • Features:
    • 1709504 regex support for config files names
    • 1704148 chain support
    • 1704183 annotation checking on config load
    • 1704147 action based validation for freeform actions
    • 1704152 servlet vs filter - adding filter
    • 1704184 pre/post functionality on freeform actions
    • 1704112 support for security filter and password encryption
  • Major bugfixes:
    • 1710580 on servlet initialzation duplicate action not recognised
    • 1704118 refering to childs allowed duplicates
    • 1704117 debug print shows no servletcontext
    • 1704116 response object not accessible on context object
    • 1704110 XBean - warn message the following

final release 1: 2007-03-30

  • Features:
  • Major bugfixes:
    • 1680405 Warn message that no ErrorHandler is set
    • 1675526 No refresh of the tempates on reploying

release candidate 2 bugfix 1: 2007-03-02

  • Features:
    • 1672236 Change to use Treemap for data structure
  • Major bugfixes:
    • 1672251 getting the form by JetChildComponent produces a NullPointer
    • 1672234 JetResourceServlet - initilized cache is not synchronized

release candidate 2: 2007-01-22

  • Features:
  • Major bugfixes:

release candidate 1 bugfix 1: 2006-12-21

  • Features:
  • Major bugfixes:
    • 1612596 warning on each messega resource key
    • 1612602 requests not correct encoded
    • 1612600 request sets session attribute jet_debug

release candidate 1: 2006-12-08

  • Features:
    • added messagKey on validation rule to support individual messages
    • changed to use apache commons fileupload
    • possibility to set restriction rules on the JetResourceServlet
    • added new branding!
  • Major bugfixes:
    • charset encoding fixed
    • validation warning messages fixed

beta3: 2006-10-09

  • Features:
    • javascript event support
    • scratchboard
    • support for gzipped transfer encoding
    • freemarker taglib support
    • ability to define components separate
    • provide the possibility like in JSF to use each method as an action
  • Major bugfixes:
    • parsing xml configuration/li>
    • localisation support on all components
    • javascript validation improved

beta2: 2006-04-23

  • Features:
    • displaying error messages
    • server and client side validation
    • write forms once and use/change it as needed
    • simple conversion via wrapper class
    • language support via resource bundle
    • debug modus displaying available data structure and template
    • resource servlet - now every website,css,js image etc could be provided in jars - nice if you write some core sites which are used in more than one project
    • resources refreshable without redeploying webapp if not in jars provided
    • strict usage of css for each component
    • existing webpages can easily migrated into freemarker remplates - form must not be rendered from jet, form definition only needed to provide component structure
  • Major bugfixes:
    • fileupload example
    • debug modus fixed to work over session not request
    • optimised pooling

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