Java Enterprise Turbine
JET Documentation
(If you feel that the documentation is too short, please create a bug report)
^1 Configuration
^1.1 Jet servlet
Quick note: You can also now specify a filter
        <description>The JET controller filter</description>
            <description>Config files for form and action definition</description>

Configure the JetServlet in your web.xml:

Defining the servlet:


The JET controller servlet

Setting the JET servlet:


Set the config files to use (comma separated list):


Config files for form and action definition




NOTE: the following init paramater is optional and deprecated - you can specify these elements in your config.xml if necessary
Setting the localizer files to use (comma separated list).

Files for localization of messages




NOTE: the following init paramater is optional and deprecated - you can specify these elements in your config.xml if necessary
Setting the input and output charset encoding of JET pages:

default charset encoding




NOTE: the following init paramater is optional and deprecated - you can specify these elements in your config.xml if necessary
Setting the amount of prebuild forms in jet.pool.ObjectPool:

Define here how many clones of the defined forms should be preloaded




NOTE: the following init paramater is optional and deprecated - you can specify these elements in your config.xml if necessary
Same as with the form pool - just for the actions defined:

Define here how many clones of the defined actions should be preloaded




NOTE: the following init paramater is optional and deprecated - you can specify these elements in your config.xml if necessary
Setting debug modus:

List of host regex where debug is allowed




For the most setups the debug modus would be a security reason. therefore you can define for which ip and/or server names it is allowed to access the debug modus.


NOTE: the debug modus is session based - to disable the debug modus call a jet page with ?jetdebug=false

NOTE: the following init paramater is optional and deprecated - you can specify these elements in your config.xml if necessary
Setting ip/host which is allowed to access status informations:

List of host regex where status is allowed




Same as above. Example:

NOTE: the following init paramater is optional and deprecated - you can specify these elements in your config.xml if necessary
Setting which ip/hostis allowed to call refresh on jet:

List of host regex where refresh is allowed




Same as above. With "jetrefresh" you can refresh the caches, not the ObjectPools (they don't need to be refreshed). Example:

Available commands are:
all=refreshing all caches.
localizer=refreshing localizer cache.
resourcecache=refreshing the cache for the javascript validation etc.
resourceservlet=refreshing the caches of the resource servlet.
templateengine=refreshing the freemarker template engine.


Servlet mapping:





Defines the urls to use jet. You can also map that everything behind "/jet/" is jet page.

^1.2 Jet ResourcesServlet
Configure the JetResourceServlet if you want to provide images etc. via jar files:


The JET resource servlet

Define resource servlet:



Setting ip/host which is allowed to activate debug informations:

List of host regex where debug is allowed




Setting ip/host which is allowed to access status informations:

List of host regex where status is allowed





Servlet mapping:




As in the "index.ftl" example template you can refer to a image/css and other resources provided by jar files like this:

<img class="jet" src="${context}/resource?file=img/jet.gif"/>

file: The file to return from
type: The return type (css or jses) for jses based files
content-type: To fix content type
transfer-encoding: To specify if compressed or not
fresh: If true the content get fetched from source not from cache
stripWhitespaces: If true spaced get removed
header-*: Each parameter get set as response header e.g.: "header-Expires" will set "Expires" header
connection-timeout: The timeout to use to fetch remote content
read-timeout: Timout when reading to avoid stalling connections
jetstatus: displays status information about chaching etc.

^1.3 Jet MashupProxy
Configure the JetMashupProxy if you want to provide images etc. from other domains:


The JET mashup proxy

Define resource servlet:



Setting ip/host which is allowed to access status informations:

List of host regex where status is allowed





Servlet mapping:




<img class="jet" src="${context}/mashup?/base/mashup?url="/>

url: The url to fetch
content-type: To fix content type
transfer-encoding: To specify if compressed or not
fresh: If true the content get fetched from source not from cache
stripWhitespaces: If true spaced get removed
header-*: Each parameter get set as response header e.g.: "header-Expires" will set "Expires" header
connection-timeout: The timeout to use to fetch remote content
read-timeout: Timout when reading to avoid stalling connections

^1.4 Jet config
<!-- the project name has no special meaning, it's only a identifier for the project used. //-->
    encoding: Setting the input and output charset encoding of JET pages.
    formpoolsize: Setting the amount of prebuild forms in jet.pool.ObjectPool.
    actionpoolsize: Same as with the form pool - just for the actions defined.

encoding="UTF-8" formpoolsize="30" actionpoolsize="40"

    For the most setups the debug modus would be a security reason. therefore you can define for which ip and/or server names it is allowed to access the debug modus.

    NOTE: the debug modus is session based - to disable the debug modus call a jet page with ?jetdebug=false

    Same as above. With "jetrefresh" you can refresh the caches, not the ObjectPools (they don't need to be refreshed). Example:

    Available commands are:
    all = refreshing all caches.
    localizer = refreshing localizer cache.
    resourcecache = refreshing the cache for the javascript validation etc.
    resourceservlet = refreshing the caches of the resource servlet.
    templateengine = refreshing the freemarker template engine.

    Same as above. Example:

    Setting the localizer files to use (comma separated list).

    With <JetInjector> you can add injectors to the method based injection.

    As follows you can define plugins, these plugns are loaded/activated before the initialzation of the JetServlet is done. You would have access to the Servletconetxt, so you are able to load/initilaize caches etc.

    As follows you can specify global exception handlers e.g. to avoid displaying errors happened in your action e.g. database down etc.

    For configuring the template engine you can specify an configurator which provides a Properties object with Freemarker parameters and some special jet parameters.
    The following properties could be set:
freemarker parameters
    parameter defined by jet:
    default_encoding -> the default encoding for the templates
    template_update_delay -> delay for updating templates from source




<!-- defining form elements - see 3.1 Defining forms //--!>


<!-- defining the form - see 3.1 Defining forms //--!>


<!-- defining the action - see 2.1 Defining actions //--!>


In your web.xml you can specify more than one config file, so you can separate the different parts of your webapp in smaller peaces.